Inclusive Leadership in International Settings

Course schedule

Dates Start time End time Location Coordinator registrations
May 12, 14, 21, 23 (mornings only) 09:00 12:30 Wageningen Campus Elackiya Sithamparanathan 3 / 18 Apply

Course description

During the course the participants build on their own experiences in individual preparation and in group exercises and exchange. The lecturers will give input through supportive reading and instructional materials and in short lecturing blocks in class. They will build on examples of approaches as developed in support of Inclusive leadership, Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI), Decolonizing efforts, Intercultural communication, Social Safety, Crossing Boundaries, Inclusive language and imaginary and Transdisciplinary and Transformative Methods. Throughout the course the participants learn to assess and build upon relevant approaches to develop their own leadership style and profile.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course the participants will be able

  • To position inclusive leadership within current leadership styles, especially in communication and management styles
  • To reproduce, recognize and assess approaches developed to promote inclusion in international settings
  • To distinguish various aspects related to creating and sustaining an inclusive, safe and respectful learning and working environment.
  • To assess texts and imaginary in communications and suggest alternatives to improve inclusive language and imaginary
  • To make a leadership profile for themselves including key communication and management aspects

Assumed knowledge

For this course there is no prior knowledge required. It is though preferable that participants have experience with international settings through their study or work and have basic sensitivity to issues surrounding inclusion.

Detailed Program

Morning 1:

We are all active agents and leaders independent from position

Building on participants’ experiences and reflections: Issues that matter, opportunities, pitfalls regarding inclusion in international settings – the concept of being an active agent and taking leadership independent from position.

Morning 2:

Inclusive leadership skills in relation to social safety

Approaches to inclusive leadership and how to position within current leadership styles. Group exercise by using wicked cases and situations with concluding plenary dialogue. Participants’ reflection on what aspects matter for them and how these resonate with their leadership styles.

Morning 3:

Approaches to integrate inclusive principles in international settings

Learning about and assessing various available approaches: how do these overlap, are similar or different, and what elements do speak to the individual participants. Preparation for individual leadership profiles.

Morning 4:

Inclusive communication- inclusive language and imaginary with exercise

Aspects of inclusive communication in the use of language and imaginary. Exercise of assessing selected texts and images and suggesting alternatives.

Meeting experienced leaders in international settings sharing their route to inclusive leadership in international settings

Conversation with experienced leaders in international settings to exchange and discuss on the basis of prepared questions


General Information

Target Group:

All PhDs, Postdoc and EngD students

Group size: 8-18  participants
Course duration:

4 Mornings, 3h20 with 20 min break

Language: English
Credit points: 1.0 ECTS
  • Interactive class sessions
  • Variety of exercises, including for oneself, in pairs and small groups
  • Short blocks of lecturing
  • Supportive instruction and readings materials
  • Analysis of selected text and imaginaries
  • Writing your own leadership profile
  • Exchange with experienced leaders in international settings
Name lecturers:

List of lecturers 

Dr. Margreet van der Burg

Senior University Lecturer/Researcher
Intersectional Gender Studies related to Food, Agricultural and Rural Research and Development, Chairgroup Knowledge, Technology and Innovation, Social Sciences, Wageningen University

Dr Rico Lie

Assistant Professor in Communication for Development and Intercultural Learning,    Chairgroup Knowledge, Technology and Innovation, Social Sciences, Wageningen University

Venue: Wageningen Campus


The programme will be tailored to the participants background, experiences and needs.


Early bird - March 24, 2025

Regular - April 11, 2025


1) Reduced fee:
  • PhD of Wageningen University with an approved Training and Supervision Plan (TSP) who are registered at one of the WU graduate schools (EPS, PE&RC, VLAG, WASS, WIAS, WIMEK) and
    EngD candidates and Postdocs of Wageningen University who are registered at one of the WU graduate schools:



2) University fee: All other PhD candidates / Wageningen University Staff:




Cancellation conditions

  • You may cancel free of charge up to 1 month before the start of the course. After this date you will be charged the University fee. Unless:

  • You can find someone to replace you in the course and supply the course coordinator with the name and contact information of your replacement.
    In this case you will only be charged a € 50,- cancellation fee.
  • You (PhDs and postdocs of Wageningen University) have a valid reason to cancel (illness or death in the family 1st or 2nd degree).
    In this case you will be charged the reduced fee and your supervisor/PI must send a mail indicating the reason for cancellation.

Also note that when there are not enough participants, we can cancel the course. We will inform you if this is the case a week after the registration deadline. Please take this into account when arranging your trip to the course (I.e. check the re-imbursement policies).


For more information please contact