Career Assessment (New format)

Course schedule

Dates Start time End time Coordinator    
2025-The career assessment is individually based. You can plan your appointment with the career coach upon registration Yvonne Smolders Apply

Course description

The career assessment will help you to translate your competences, knowledge and skills acquired during your PhD to the demands of employers in various sectors, by describing them in tangible results.

You will make two sets of assignments: ‘Finding your talents’ and ‘Search directions’.

You’ll learn about your competences and career values, you’ll see the thread in your development and discover what a good job context is for you. This helps you to develop focus in your career.

After each set of assignments you will have a 1 hour meeting with our career coach.

The career coach will give personal advice, based on your assignments. Topics are:

  • Further describing your core competences and related achievement stories
  • Career values
  • Search directions
  • Networking advice
  • Advice on the application process
  • Your job seeking strategy

The assignments of this Career Assessment are also part of the course Career Perspectives, so if you would like to follow this course, you do not have to take this assessment separately.

For PhD candidates who have already taken the competence assessment at the start of their PhD, the results of this assessment will also be taken into account in the career assessment.

General Information

Target Group:
Third and fourth year PhDs who want to prepare for their next career step
Group size: Individual
Course duration:

Two individual meetings of 1 hour. Preparation time first meeting (assignments 'Finding your talents') approximately 6 hrs, preparation time second meeting (assignments 'Search directions' ) approximately 4 hrs.

Language: English or Dutch
Credit points: 0.3 ECTS
Self-study hours: 10
Name lecturer:

Geraldine Sinnema, Een wereld van verschil (In English: A world of difference)

Noloc Registered Career Coach,


On Campus or in our office in the Agro-BTC building, a 5 minute bike ride away from Campus. Online is also possible.


After registration the career coach will make an appointment for the first meeting. You will receive the first part of the assignments and will be asked to return these and your CV to the career coach. During the first meeting we will schedule the second meeting.

Expected results of the Career Assessment

  • You have an overview of your competences and skills acquired during your PhD, both by your own description and through 360 degrees feedback.
  • You  have a collection of examples of achievements (based on the STAR-method) to share your work experience, competences and skills in networking conversations and job interviews.
  • To broaden your career perspective, you determine your career values, career field preferences and your search directions on the labour market.
  • You are capable to translate your experience to employer’s requirements, both inside and outside of academia.
  • You have formulated a personal job seeking strategy.


Reduced fee:
• PhD candidates of Wageningen University with an approved Training and Supervision Plan (TSP) who are registered at one of the WU graduate schools (EPS, PE&RC, VLAG, WASS, WIAS, WIMEK)
• Postdocs of Wageningen University who are registered at one of the WU graduate schools
€ 250
University fee: All other PhD candidates / Wageningen University postdocs and staff € 500
External fee: All other participants € 1000

Cancellation condition

Before making the appointment, cancellation fee is free of charge. After this date you will be charged with the full (not reduced) fee. Unless:

  • You (PhDs and postdocs of Wageningen University) have a valid reason to cancel (illness or death in the family 1st or 2nd degree).
    In this case you will be charged the reduced fee and your supervisor/PI must send a mail indicating the reason for cancellation.


For more information please contact Yvonne Smolders,