PhD Supervisors Lunch Workshops: Challenges and solutions in supervising PhDs

Course schedule

This course is not scheduled yet.

Course description

These lunch workshops  address issues and challenges in the supervision of PhD candidates such as supervision of sandwich PhD candidates, publication and co-author ethics, preparation of the PhD candidate for the go/no-go decision. During the workshop these issues will be discussed. Lunch is offered to registered participants. Three of these workshops will be organised annually.

Upcoming workshops

  • 26-09-2019: Recognition of stress signals in PhD candidates
  • 18-11-2019: The go / no go decision

Workshop Recognition of stress signals in PhD candidates

  • Date: Thursday 26 September 2019
  • Time: 12:15-13:50
  • Place: P0631 FORUM building

Work pressure, stress and burn-out are serious problems which some of our PhD candidates are facing. In this workshop we want to address this issue and discuss with you how we can recognise stress signals in PhD candidates timely and what we can do to handle and minimise unhealthy stress in PhD candidates.


12:15-12:30: walk in – take your lunch

12:30-12:50 Introduction by Claudie van Dreumel (BMW)

  • Facts and figures (showing it is a serious problem)
  • Healthy work stress and unhealthy work stress
  • Consequences of unhealthy work stress
  • Causes of unhealthy work stress (in most cases a combination of personal and work related factors; please note that work related is also related to the working culture at the group): stressors & triggers; potential risks
  • How can you identify stress signs in PhD candidates
  • What to do if you see possible stress signs in your PhD candidates: prevention, courses, support

12:50-13:20 Round table discussions 1, led by Claudie van Dreumel (BMW), Lyda Roseboom (BMW) and Martine Schröder (HRM-ASG)

  • What can you / supervisors do to recognise stress signals in PhD candidates
  • What can you / supervisors do when your PhD(s) suffer from stress?
  • What can you / supervisors do to minimise work stress in PhD candidates

13:20-13:40 Round table discussions 2

  • How can graduate schools, HRM, BMW and other support units help PhD supervisors to minimise work stress in PhD candidates?

13:40-13:50 Summary / reflection

Workshop The go / no go decision

  • Date:  Monday 18 November 2019
  • Time: 12:00-14:00
  • Place: Forum - C0314
  • Introduction by Prof. Cees Leeuwis


12.15– 12.30 hrs: Walk in – take your lunch

12.30 – 12.50 hrs: Introduction by Cees Leeuwis

12.50 – 13.40 hrs: Roundtable discussions and sharing experiences

13.40 - 13.50 hrs: Summary, wrap-up and reflection