Professional in Supervision of PhD candidates

Course schedule

Dates Start time End time Location Coordinator registrations
PinS 1 2025 Intake meetings: Monday 17 Feb and Tuesday 18 Feb. Workshop days: Wednesday 5 and Thursday 27 March, Wednesday 9 April 2025 09:00 17:00 Wageningen campus Miriam van Heist 14 / 14 Registration ended at 14/02/2025
PinS 2 2025 Intake meetings: Monday 17 and Tuesday 18 March. Workshop days: Tuesday 1 and Tuesday 15 April, Wednesday 7 May 2025 09:00 17:00 Wageningen campus Miriam van Heist 14 / 14 Registration ended at 14/03/2025
PinS 3 2025 Intake meetings: Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 May. Workshop days: Tuesday 27 May, Wednesdays 11 and 25 June 2025 09:00 17:00 Wageningen campus Miriam van Heist 14 / 14 Add to waiting list

Course description

This 3-day workshop is based on 4 phases during the 4 year programme and focusses on communications styles, coaching formats, leadership, cultural issues, distance based supervision, writing moments. Much emphasis is placed on sharing knowledge and experiences, small and larger group work; practicing with an actor; self-assessments and reflection. Another key element of these workshops is the peer coaching meeting between day 2 and day 3 where the participants handle several real life practical cases.

Note that this training is credited in Tenure Track. 

A. Background

WGS organizes this workshop because:

  • Supervision is a crucial factor in the success and duration of a PhD project.
  • The PhD duration needs to be brought back to 4 years while keeping the quality at a high level and as such the urge for good supervision has increased.
  • Supervisors themselves indicate a need in support to improve / strengthen their supervision skills given the developments within the scientific arena.

B. Specific goals of the workshop

  • After the Personal Intake (see programme below for specifics) the supervisor will be able to formulate his/her personal goals of learning and development
  • Supervisors will share knowhow and experiences with colleagues and learn from these experiences
  • Supervisors are aware of their own style of supervision, the strengths and possible pitfalls and how to deal with them
  • Supervisors will make optimal use of their own capacities and those of others
  • Supervisors will be able to apply various communication techniques
  • Supervisors will get to know more effective ways to deal with writing issues of their PhD-candidates
  • Supervisors will recognize different “types of PhD candidates” and subsequently learn how to apply various coaching styles

C. Programme

The content of the 3-day course basically follows the entire PhD process from selection to graduation (focus lies on the different roles and expectations which PhD candidates and their supervisors go through during the 4 year programme).
The participants will be introduced to 4 phases.

4 Phases

The course is built up in 4 consecutive phases:

  1. Job description and Selection interview to get the right PhD candidate
  2. Road to Project Proposal, setting the TSP and Go / No Go decision
  3. On-going business (what are the academic road blocks and how to deal with them effectively)
  4. Last stretch to finalize the PhD

Important items that continuously play a vital role during the entire PhD supervision:

  • Effective Interaction (communication)
  • The changing role & expectations of PhD and SV during the entire supervision process towards independence
  • Providing continuous support and constructive feedback when needed.
  • Emphasis will be placed on various coaching styles

D. the Programme consists of three parts:

PART 1: Personal Intake Meeting before the course

Before the workshop starts each participant is asked to fill out a questionnaire that will be discussed during the personal meeting with one of the trainers. The personal meeting will serve as an input for a tailor made workshop closely related to the individual needs of the participants. Furthermore, we expect from each participant to formulate his/her personal goals to be achieved.

Other requests are: 1. a recent job description; 2. drafts of the PhD and how the supervisor gives feedback and 3. a case the supervisor would like to practise with the training actor.

PART 2: Day 1, 2 & 3 of the supervisory workshop

Day 1:  The primary focus lies on Phase 1: the recruitment and selection of the PhD candidate. Next the programme will cover Phase 2: the road to Project proposal; setting the TSP and the Go / No Go decision

Day 2:  Two weeks after day 1 the focus is on the various writing stages of the PhD and the specific roles of the supervisor. More detail is given below (E. The Writing Trainer).

In the afternoon the training actor is present to practise various feedback methods with the supervisors. More detail is given below (F. The Training Actor)

Peer Coaching between day 2 and day 3

The participants will hold a peer coaching session to share experience; practice a real life case and reflect on their own professional behaviour.

Day 3: Two weeks after day 2 the focus is on the other writing stages of the PhD and the specific roles of the supervisor. More detail is given below (E. The Writing Trainer). In the afternoon the training actor is present to practise cases like motivation and other issue such as cultural awareness and mental issues.

More detail is given below (F. The Training Actor)

PART 3: Ownership after the course

Continued Peer Coaching

Participants are strongly encouraged to take full ownership of the course by continuing regular peer coaching meetings (once every 3-4 months). Trainers are available if needed.

Follow up workshops

WGS offers i). advanced supervisor modules and ii). WGS lunch workshops on various relevant items.

E. The Writing Trainer

On the morning of day 2 and 3, a writing trainer will cover the role of the supervisor during the various writing stages the PhD encounters.

The supervisors are asked to submit various drafts (res. proposal or paper) of the PhD which the supervisor has given feedback on. The writing trainer will examine each submitted draft and give clear feedback to each supervisor about their feedback styles.

Items discussed and covered:

1. writing a research proposal

1.1 introduction of a “structure model”

1.2 the explanation and hands-on use by supervisors of the model


2. writing a first draft

2.1 what are the real problems that PhD run into?

2.2 don'ts and dos for supervisors and writers

2.3 misconceptions to dispel

2.4 introduction of writing groups


3. writing a well-organised text

3.1 what's the problem?

3.2 don'ts and dos for supervisors and writers


4. writing a clear, precise text with sound argumentation

4.1 steps and checks for improving argumentation

4.2 steps and checks for precision


5. giving proper feedback at various stages of writing

5.1 dos for writers and for supervisors

5.2 useful websites and video's


  1. The Training Actor

Role plays are an effective learning and behavior change tool for supervisors.

What are the real differentiators in role plays:

  1. To make use of an expert training actor who is well equipped to deal with professionals and academic staff (to make high-value simulations stick).
  1. The participants provide their own realistic case which they like to practise. The training actor will play the role of the PhD / or other position. The focus is on the process of behavioural change of the supervisor.
  1. The setting is “fishbowl practising” (in front of class) where the case owner and the training actor are in full view of the other participants. All participants are considered observers with an active role.
  1. Allow re-runs (new takes) after feedback. The observers (other participants) provide useful feedback to the case owner after each take. This allows the case owner to summarize and playback the feedback to improve their skill-level.
  1. After each role play all participants will give written feedback (2 tops and 1 tip) to the case owner. Finally, alle participants write down their own take-away message based on the case.

General Information 

Target Group: Staff members (Full, Associate and Assistant Professors) of Wageningen UR who are member of one of the Wageningen Graduate Schools and who are supervising PhD candidates. Participants should have at least half a year experience in supervising PhDs
Group size: Min. 10 and max. 14 participants
Course duration: 3 days. About 3 weeks before the workshop starts you will have a personal intake (1 hour). 
Language: English 
Consultants: Barend van den Broek, MSc (Valley Consult), Dr Claudius van de Vijver (Graduate School PE&RC), Dr Caro Struijke (Into Languages) and Lotte Zoeter, MA (independent training actor). The consultants have an academic training and years of experience in research, education, international management and coaching. They are already involved in educational and coaching activities at Wageningen UR and other universities
Venue: Wageningen Campus

Certificate: participants will receive an authentic certificate after completing the workshops.


Reduced fee: Supervisors who are member of a Wageningen Graduate School (EPS, PE&RC, VLAG, WASS, WIAS, WIMEK) and are supervisor of PhD candidates who will be defending their thesis at Wageningen University € 650
University fee: All other Wageningen University postdocs and staff € 1200
Extended fee: All other participants € 2400
Fee includes study and training material (folder (reader), literature (mailings), use of videos), coffee/tea, refreshments and lunches.

Cancellation condition

You may cancel free of charge up to four weeks before the start of the course. After this date you will be charged the University fee. Unless:

  • You can find someone to replace you in the course and supply the course coordinator with the name and contact information of your replacement.
    In this case you will only be charged a € 50,- cancellation fee.
  • For staff of Wageningen University: when you have a valid reason to cancel (illness or death in the family 1st or 2nd degree).
    In this case you will be charged the reduced fee and your supervisor/superior must send a mail indicating the reason for cancellation.


For more information please contact / Tel: 0317-485116