WGS Lunch Workshops for PhD Supervisors
Course schedule
Dates | Start time | End time | Location | Coordinator | registrations app/max |
3 April 2025 (IN-PERSON)
Walk-in from 12:00h | TOPIC: The go/no go decision
12:15 | 13:45 | IMPULSE building, room NCountR. Address: Stippeneng 2, Building no. 115 in Wageningen | Wageningen Graduate Schools (WGS) | 38 / 40 | Apply | |
5 June 2025 (IN-PERSON)
Walk-in from 12:00h | TOPIC: The PhD, learning, and advances in AI
12:15 | 13:45 | IMPULSE building, room NCountR. Address: Stippeneng 2, Building no. 115 in Wageningen | Wageningen Graduate Schools (WGS) | 8 / 40 | Apply |
Course description
Wageningen Graduate Schools (WGS) cordially invites all supervisors of PhD candidates at Wageningen University to attend the WGS lunch workshops for PhD supervisors in the new academic year.
In these workshops supervisors discuss specific topics and issues with regard to supervision.
General structure of the workshops:
- Walk in from 12:00h
- Signing the attendance list and grab lunch
- Introduction by WGS organisers
- Short story by invited speaker/expert
- Discussion
- Synthesis led by WGS organisers
The lunch workshops are organised as a live event with lunch on the first Thursday of the even months, 12.15 – 13.45 hrs. You will receive more information also about the venue on a later date.
Topics lunch workshops |
The go/no go decision (3 April 2025) What are good reasons to (not) give a No-Go? Are you aware of the potential consequences of giving a No-Go while not following the correct procedures? Are you aware of the potential consequences of not giving a No-Go? These are some of the questions we will explore in the lunch workshop on the Go/No-Go decision, organized by the Wageningen Graduate School. This session will frame the Go/No-Go procedure as a tool for providing feedback and encourage development over time, not as an administrative burden. We’ll emphasize the importance of carefully following this procedure to avoid unintended consequences. The workshop will begin with a plenary introduction to the Go/No-Go procedure and present data related to this crucial moment in the PhD programme. Furthermore, the Academic Board will present their involvement in resolving related disputes. Afterwards, participants will discuss provocative statements in small groups and learn from each other’s approaches to Go/No-Go decisions. There will also be space to discuss your own cases or dilemmas in this interactive session. Programme:
Organisers: Vesna Prsic, Susan Urbanus & Koen Wetser (Wageningen Graduate Schools) Speaker: Prof. Jasper van der Gucht (member Academic Board and chair holder Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter) |
The PhD, learning, and advances in AI (5 June 2025) More information TBA |
Social safety in the PhD programme (6 February 2025) During this lunch workshop we will discuss what is a safe and open work environment and how you can create an environment in which everyone (PhD and supervisor) feels safe to speak-up. We will have a brief introduction by Joyce van der Velde, coordinator Social Safety at WUR on what is meant with social safety, and the current thinking at WUR. To make the solutions more specific, we will then discuss in small groups what is needed to create an environment in which everyone (PhD and supervisor) feels safe to speak-up. The discussion will be lead by Nicole Rodenburg, secretary of WIAS, and Peter Vermeulen, confidential PhD advisor at WIMEK. Programme
The workhops are offered including a catered lunch, you can mention your dietary wishes upon registration.
The workshop is free of charge, but please note that a NO-SHOW is NOT.
NO-SHOW fee:
If you do not show up, please note that a no-show fee of 100 EUR will be charged. You and the secretary of your chair group will receive an email with (proQme) payment instructions.
Note: If you would like to cancel your registration, ALWAYS inform us. Someone else may still be able to take your spot and you avoid paying the no-show fee of EUR 100.
General Information
Target Group: | Staff (supervisors) |
Group size: | maximum 40 |
Course duration: | 1.5 hrs |
Language: | English |
Credit points: | NA |
Venue: | See course schedule |
For more information please contact WGS (wgscourses@wur.nl)