Research Data Management

Course schedule

Dates Start time End time Location Coordinator registrations
5, 12 and 19 June 2025 09:00 12:00 5 June C0221, 12 June B0771, 19 June B0313 (all Forum) Inge van den Berg 21 / 25 Apply

Course description

This course is offered by Wageningen Graduate Schools and organised by WUR Library. It consists of lectures and practical assignments that cover various aspects of managing research data (see programme below) throughout the research cycle.

The course  follows the order of data management topics in the WUR data management plan template (, allowing participants to fill in or update their data management plan during the course.

Note: you have to participate in all three parts of the course in order to receive the certificate.

General Information

Target Group: PhD's, postdocs and interested data stewards 
Group size: 25 participants
Course duration: 3 hours each part, 9 hours in total
Language: English
Credit points: 0.45 ECTS
Self-study hours 1 hour each part, 3 hours in total
Name lecturer: Irene Verhagen (course leader) 


Part 1: What is data management and where to store data.
At the end of part 1 you will:

  • be able to define research data and research data management;
  • be familiar with the data management requirements, support and services at WUR;
  • be familiar with the concept of FAIR data;
  • be introduced to data management plans;
  • be familiar with the data storage solutions at WUR;
  • understand the (dis)advantages of different storage options.

Part 2: How to set up your data collection system, how to document  research data and why share it?
At the end of part 2 you will:

  • understand how to systematically organise folders and (versions of) files;
  • know how to keep research notes to make research data understandable;
  • understand the importance of making research data available to others;
  • know how to prepare  research data  for submission to a repository.

Part 3: How to make research data future-proof.
At the end of part 3 you will:

  • be aware of issues concerning privacy when working with people;
  • know how to select and prepare research data for the future;
  • know where and how to look for suitable repositories for research data;
  • be familiar with different open data licences and their implications.


1. Reduced fee: PhD candidates of Wageningen University with an approved Training and Supervision Plan (TSP) and postdocs of Wageningen University that are registered at one of the graduate schools of Wageningen (EPS, PE&RC, VLAG, WASS, WIAS, WIMEK) € 120,-
2. Full fee: All other PhD candidates / post-docs and staff of Wageningen University € 240,-
3. Extended fee: All other participants € 480,-

Fee includes study and training material and coffee/tea.

Cancellation condition:

Until 1 month before the start of the course, you can cancel free of charge. After this date you will be charged with the “Full Fee”. 

Exemption of payment:

  • When there is a replacement (who you can propose, in this case please inform the course coordinator) you will only be charged with €50.

  • For PhDs and post-docs of Wageningen University: when you have a valid reason (circumstances beyond your control) to cancel, you will be charged the reduced fee. In this case a written statement of the supervisor/superior is required.

Note: When you do not have a valid reason to cancel or do not show up at courses that are free of charge you will be charged with €100.


For more information please contact