Entrepreneurship in and outside Science

Course schedule

Dates Start time End time Location Coordinator registrations
8, 15 and 22 May 2024 09:00 17:00 StartHub Plus Ultra II Gitte Schober Registration ended at 01/05/2024
5/3, 23/4, 30/4, 14/5
information session on March 5 from 14-17 hours
09:00 17:00 StartHub Plus Ultra II Gitte Schober 4 / 12 Registration ended at 05/03/2025

Course description

Entrepreneurship is a key element to drive innovation. Next to demonstrating scientific excellence, young academics with an entrepreneurial attitude can often contribute directly to more societal relevance and economic impact based on their research. In this way it can be seen as an addition to your personal career development in academia.

But also for those who do not want to stay in academia, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial skills can support in acquiring new positions or even setting up one’s own business.

This workshop focusses on whether participants have entrepreneurial skills, if they can be developed and on how to develop a feasible proposition. Accordingly the workshop looks at the different manifestations of intra/entrepreneurship in academia, private companies or in an start-up context and the tools to develop a new product or service from scientific insights.

General Information

Target Group: PhD candidates and Postdocs who are curious in what a career in entrepreneurship and business has to offer
Group size: Max. 12 participants
Course duration:

information session, 2 full days and one afternoon

Language: English
Credit points: 1.1 ECTS
Self-study hours: maximum 8
Name lecturer: Gitte Schober (CVI / Wageningen UR).
Venue: StartHub, Plus Ultra II 
NOTE: information session on March 5 is optional


Day 1

09.00     Welcome

09.30     Introduction to valorisation pathways for a scientists at WUR and the Netherlands

10.00     From Science to Business: strategies and tools

11.30     From Scientist to Business Developer: competences, skills and career decisions

12.30     Lunch and individual feedback on career decisions, ambitions and personal development

14.00     Ideation and opportunity recognition

14.30     Examples of successful initiatives –

  • Applied research

  • Patenting, licensing and corporate collaboration 

  • Spin-out 

16.00     Analyse your own opportunities

17.00     Wrap-up and individual tasks for preparation of day 2

Day 2

09.00     Welcome

09.30     Developing an opportunity into a proposition – patents, products, services and policies

               Individual and group work on personal opportunities

11.30     Technological and economic feasibility, risks and scenario’s

12.30     Lunch and individual feedback on the feasibility of the idea’s

14.00     Overview of WUR development support:  funding and development tools for a Minimal Viable Product

14.30     Development I: Individual pathway selection, building a development plan

15.30     Development II: feedback from experts: freedom to operate, technological feasibility and economic feasibility

16.45     Wrap-up and individual tasks for preparation of day 3


Day 3 – Afternoon session

12.00     Welcome

12.30     Preparing  your proposition, last check-ups

13.00     Individual presentations of the propositions to a panel of experts with extensive Q&A

16.30     Wrap-up



1a) Reduced fee: PhD candidates of Wageningen University with an approved Training and Supervision Plan (TSP) and postdocs of Wageningen University that are registered at one of the graduate schools of Wageningen (EPS, PE&RC, VLAG, WASS, WIAS, WIMEK)

€ 275



2) Full fee: All other PhD candidates / post-docs and staff of Wageningen University € 450
3) Extended fee: All other participants please inquire

Fee includes study and training material, coffee/tea and two lunches and full online functionality.

Cancellation condition:

Until six weeks before the start of the course, you can cancel free of charge. After this date you will be charged with the “Full Fee”. 

Exemption of payment:

  • For PhD’s and post-docs of Wageningen University: when you have a valid reason (circumstances beyond your control) to cancel, you will be charged the reduced fee. In this case a written statement of the supervisor/superior is required.

Note: When you do not have a valid reason to cancel or do not show up at courses that are free of charge you will be charged with €100.


For more information please contact Gitte.Schober@wur.nl