1. get funding Writing Grant Proposals
2. review scientific papers Reviewing a scientific paper
3. gain insight in the publishing process Scientific publishing
4. gain insight in the writing process Efficient writing strategies
5. write a scientific paper Click here to continue


A. Focus on general skills for writing and presenting papers and posters The essentials of scientific writing and presenting
B. Focus on writing process Efficient writing strategies / Intensive writing week
C. Focus on writing your own paper Scientific writing


A. General skills for presenting The essentials of scientific writing and presenting (ESWP)
B. Hands-on course on presenting Presenting with Impact / Posters and Pitching / Creating & Pitching Virtual Posters


When, after having consulted this flow chart, you are still unsure about the right course for you do not hesitate to contact Wageningen In'To Languages (into@wur.nl) for personal advice.