Postdoc training

Home PhD PostDoc Staff

Below you can find a list of competences, skills and career oriented courses and training opportunities which are organised by Wageningen Graduate Schools (WGS) in which the 6 Graduate Schools of Wageningen University (EPS, PE&RC, VLAG, WASS, WIAS and WIMEK) are formally organised.

01. Activities especially for Postdocs



Career Development for Postdocs: Science and the Alternatives

Supports in making career choice in science or beyond and making a plan of action how to reach the desired goal.



Developing my Research Vision (Postdocs and junior Tenure Track staff)

Having a research vision is crucial, especially for those who want to proceed in science and must demonstrate a clear research vision, an (international) visibility and ambition for a tenure track.



Courses on supervision and teaching, organised by the Teaching and Learning Centre

Teaching and Learning Centre Course Registration Website.



Getting on Track with your Veni application

This programme aims to provide the skills and competences needed to develop a high quality Veni proposal.



Preparing Your Veni pre-proposal

This programme aims to provide talented postdocs and other promising researchers the skills and competences needed to develop a high quality research pre-proposal to submit within all NWO Veni domains.

Below is a list of all activities organised by WGS, many of which are also relevant for Postdocs. Please click on the course name for more information about the course and dates at which the course is given.

00. PhD Carousel

02. Writing and Presenting training

03. Communication skills training

04. Project and Management skills training

05. Training on Teaching

Skills in teaching and supervising training sessions are offered by Educational Staff Development

06. PhD/Postdoc Well-Being

07. Ethics training

08. Career oriented training / Assessment

09. Other training

10. Staff training

Trainings are strongly recommended as element of Tenure Track

11. Links to training organized by individual Graduate Schools