Wageningen Graduate School PhD/Postdoc training
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Below you can find a list of competences, skills and career oriented courses which are organised by Wageningen Graduate Schools (WGS) in which the 6 Graduate Schools of Wageningen University (EPS, PE&RC, VLAG, WASS, WIAS and WIMEK) are formally organised. All courses are intended for PhDs and postdocs, except the courses Professional in Supervision and WGS Lunch Workshops for PhD Supervisors which are intended for staff supervising WU PhD candidates. Please click on the course name for more information about the course and dates at which the course is given.
Wageningen Graduate Schools
00. PhD Carousel
PhD Carousel (Friday 25 April 2025)
Every year, Wageningen Graduate Schools (WGS) organises a one-day event for PhD candidates consisting of a carousel of 4 sessions with 6 workshops per session. The learning target of the WUR PhD is to become an independent practitioner of science, who is able to integrate the research within the framework of their scientific discipline and against the background of a broader scientific area, to place the research aims and research results in a societal context, and postulate concisely worded propositions in scientific and societal areas.
01. PhD Competence Assessments
PhD Competence Assessment
Gives insight in the degree that you have the competences and skills required to do a PhD in an effective manner and, when lacking, how these can be developed. The assessment is for PhD candidates at the beginning of their PhD assignment at Wageningen University and Research BEFORE the go/no go decision is made.
02. Writing and Presenting training
Creating and Pitching Virtual Posters
How to design an appealing virtual poster and enticingly pitch your research to an online audience.
Developing my Research Vision (Postdocs and junior Tenure Track staff)
Having a research vision is crucial, especially for those who want to proceed in science and must demonstrate a clear research vision, an (international) visibility and ambition for a tenure track.
The Essentials of Scientific Writing and Presenting
Presents an overview of how to effectively write and present scientific information
Efficient Writing Strategies
Putting your thoughts on paper
Posters and Pitching
Want to learn how to sell your ideas and yourself in a poster presentation? Want to know how to design an appealing poster and to enticingly pitch your poster to an audience?
Reviewing a Scientific Manuscript
This half-day workshop gives insight in how to review a scientific manuscript and what possible issues may occur. Besides two lectures we will be having interactive sessions where challenges and examples of review will be discussed.
Science Journalism
Enhance your popular science writing and communication skills, increase your visibility and learn how to disseminate academic knowledge to a larger audience.
Searching and Organising Literature for PhD candidates
A systematic literature search provides an optimal foundation for your research. In this course, you’ll develop a systematic literature search for your topic and learn to manage your references in EndNote.
Scientific Publishing
This one-day workshop provides insight and awareness in the developments, process, rules and ethical aspects of scientific writing and publishing. Furthermore tips how to get your work published are also addressed.
Scientific Writing
Assisting you if you are currently writing an article or a dissertation
Writing Grant Proposals
Teaches you how to write a project proposal for funding
Writing propositions for your PhD
Workshop on propositions of the PhD thesis, including a lecture on propositions and possibility to submit your own (draft) proposition.
Presenting with Impact
To improve and practice oral presentations of your own work
03. Communication skills training
Effective Science Communication Course
Provides you with the necessary ideas and skills to communicate your work to non-scientists
Critical thinking and argumentation
Training to debate, speak and write in a clear, convincing and effective way.
Effective behaviour in your professional surroundings
Effective behaviour means getting the best out of yourself. This is achieved by understanding your own strengths and weaknesses and continually striving to improve and grow, both professionally and personally. In this interactive course you develop personal and professional leadership skills to successfully work on your PhD project and beyond.
Inclusive Leadership in International Settings
To secure inclusivity in international settings requires much alertness and practice from all participating to prevent bias and misunderstanding. In this course, participants learn to recognize, reflect and to act upon as leaders and how they in various positions can promote inclusion in international settings they engage. These can be in a WUR unit or international project but also in other international settings like in international commercial, (non)-governmental, academic, research and educational organizations.
Making Impact: Increasing the relevance of research through science-society interaction (in person)
During this course, Dr. Harro Maat, Prof. Cees Leewis and Prof. Phil Macnaghten of the Knowledge, Technology and Innovation team will provide you with the scientific insights on how to make an impact. In addition, you can learn from them, and a panel of researchers on the different approaches they take to turn this into practical approaches. Note: this course will take place on campus as an in person training
Mobilising your - scientific - network
Offers you the essential tools to create a network through a variety of introductions, discussions and assignments
Effective and efficient communication in academia and beyond
Reviews previous participants
"This is a highly recommended course from my point of view. During the course, we got tested and knew more about our own communication styles, like assertive and passive, and we also had a lot of chances to share and discuss our own communication problems, and many effective and tailored methods were raised from the teachers or other participants.", Penghui Shen, Physics and Physical Chemistry of Foods, Wageningen University
Supply insight, understanding and a set of tools in verbal communication that allow participants to communicate in an effective and efficient manner and prevent miscommunication
04. Project and Management skills training
Mindful Productivity for scientists -Online
Mindful Productivity for Scientists is one of the signature courses of “I focus and write”. By the end of this course, the students will have a full strategy of productivity that starts with themselves at the center and builds up around the needs of each individual. For more information please have a look at the website.
Mindful Productivity for scientists
Reviews previous participants
“After the course, I managed to submit a PhD thesis on time, so I'm very happy that I joined! I would have finished it regardless, but definitely with a more troubled mentality. I'm currently in the post-submission stage, happily going through a "void" period and not feeling guilty about it! I'm super happy I signed up!“ Daniela Requena Suarez, PhD researcher at Wageningen University
“Before I joined this course, I was feeling negative about my work. Especially due to the lack of motivation, not having clear priorities and being drained by difficult tasks. Now I feel less stressed because I am aware that many of my blocks (such as procrastination) come from emotions, but I can understand them and put them into place with the tools I got. Also, having good planning and overview has helped me feel more positive about myself and my work.” Ana Shein, PhD researcher, NIOO-KNAW
“When I joined this course, I had just started a tenure track position and I felt utterly overwhelmed. I was just working like crazy, but not having time for my own research. I felt that I couldn't enjoy any time off because I hadn't achieved enough for my work. The course really helped me get clear on what my values are and what I should give priority. Even if this means that I have to say no to others.”, Katja Hoedjes, Assistant Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
In “I focus and write” I help scientists to have a more creative, productive, and happier academic life. To do that, I use a mindful approach (that is not spiritual) to overcome common mental and especially emotional struggles that scientists have, while they are getting things done. -
Project and Time Management
Planning, control, monitoring and management of the research project and time are essential in accomplishing the PhD. During the course you will practice your skills by learning from others in combination with hands-on training. After the presented theory (handy models and easy-to-use tools) you will work in small groups practicing - a right mix of theory and experience. You will be using your own project proposal and you are expected to share your personal experiences with the other students In between the 3 days of training you will work on assignments, applying what you have learned and test the usefulness of the theory in practice During this period, the trainer will be available for additional support via email or telephone
Research Data Management
This course is offered by Wageningen Graduate Schools and organised by WUR Library. It consists of lectures and practical assignments that cover various aspects of managing research data (see program below) throughout the research cycle. The course follows the order of data management topics in the WUR data management plan template (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7233369 https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.7233369), allowing participants to fill in or update their data management plan during the course. Note: you have to participate in all three parts of the course in order to receive the certificate.
The Choice: Un-box your PhD process & take charge of your performance
Reviews previous participants
''This course has been a very big eye-opener for me in terms of recognizing and identifying my own pitfalls. We've been given useful tools and techniques to help cope with our personal struggles and got personalized advice too. I am very happy that I signed up to this course and very grateful to the teachers! Thank you!''
''This course provides a place for PhD students to find their inner peace during their intensive work as well as gives you useful tips. 10/10 recommended!''
''The course is made of very insightful sessions with original methods to share and reflect about our thought process and behaviour at work.''
''At the least expected moments I came to, not only, understand but also feel insights about myself that will help me deal with myself and the PhD in the coming years''
''Participating in the boxing and balancing exercises with a co-participant was fun. It made me maintain balance, which I relate to my research and personal life.''
Experience and feel how you can use your personal strengths and drives effectively in your collaboration with others, while overcoming recurring obstacles and increasing your impact. The unique combination of physical approaches (such as boxcoaching), systemic constellations and group reflections will give you deep insights in your in current ways of acting, communication styles and effects. This course consists of 2 boxing clinics, a workshop and an individual coaching session. -
05. Training on Teaching
Skills in teaching and supervising training sessions are offered by Educational Staff Development
Start to supervise BSc & MSc thesis students
Students expect certain behaviour of their supervisor, but the supervisor also has expectations of his/her student. Questions about responsibilities for supervisor and student arise. In this 2,5 hour workshop you will be provided with some general information about supervising thesis students at Wageningen University and discuss good practices, expectations, basic skills. Furthermore there will be room for questions.
Start to teach at university
This course is meant for PhD candidates who want to explore the art of teaching within university settings and will introduce you to some basic teaching and learning principles.
Supervising BSc & MSc thesis students (New format)
This course is intended for PhD candidates, postdocs, and academic staff who are or will be supervising students during their BSc or MSc thesis
Supervising BSc & MSc thesis students (Old format)
This course is intended for PhD candidates, postdocs, and academic staff who are or will be supervising students during their BSc or MSc thesis
06. PhD/Postdoc Well-Being
Courses offered by Sports Centre the Bongerd
Courses offered by Sports Centre the Bongerd
07. Ethics training
Ethics and Animal Sciences (online (January) or in-person (all other editions)
This 2-days course aims at PhD candidates interested in ethics and animal sciences.
Ethics for Designers: Concepts and Tools
In this 2 day course, we provide concepts and tools for reflection for the goal of creating ethically responsive designs.
Ethics in Plant and Environmental Sciences (Note: one edition per year in person; one online)
This one day course focuses on ethical issues that are encountered when doing research in plant and environmental sciences.
Ethics for Social Sciences Research (in-person training)
One-day seminar on dealing with ethical issues in human subjects research
Philosophy and Ethics of Food Science and Technology (in person)
Series of six discussion sessions including hands-on dealings with ethical, philosophical, and societal issues surrounding science
Introduction to Scientific Integrity (in-person training)
This 1 day-course focuses on an array challenges related to scientific integrity.
08. Career oriented training / Assessment
VENI Masterclasses
This programme aims to provide the skills and competences needed to develop a high quality Veni proposal.
Career Assessment (New format)
The career assessment will help you to translate your competences, knowledge and skills acquired during your PhD to the demands of employers in various sectors, by describing them in tangible results.
Career Development for Postdocs: Science and the Alternatives
Supports in making career choice in science or beyond and making a plan of action how to reach the desired goal.
Career Orientation
Reviews previous participants
"It helped me reflect and build self confidence about I want to do, the skills I already have and what needs to be done. It helps me to understand the different approaches to look for jobs and personal attitude to develop"
"It helped me to get a clearer picture of what I want and that I can take an active attitude to finding my next job"
"I was in a moment of great confusion and trying to ‘orientate’, so it was really helpful"
"It gave me tools to start thinking in a very pragmatic way about job-options, and how to contact the right people to get these jobs"
"I attended a Career Orientation course given by Hertz in the Fall of 2016. It helped me put the interesting pieces of my personality, motivations, skills, and objectives together to formulate the career of my dream. I enjoyed making a collage of my career path using random pictures. It was to me like making sense out of a puzzle. It was very interactive, informative, and exploratory. I looked forward to each course day with much interest and expectations. Now I know what are of priority in my next job(s). I therefore recommend this course to you."Meant for PhD candidates and postdocs who are orienting themselves in what future career to choose, in or outside of science. -
Career Perspectives (New format)
The training Career Perspectives is meant for PhDs in their third or fourth year to prepare them for their next career step.
Entrepreneurship in and outside Science
Analysis and development of entrepreneurial skills and career opportunities for young scientists in or outside academia to create impact, exploring possibilities for applications of scientific insights: projects, impact propositions and working as or at a startup company as a scientist
WUR Student Career Services (events & information)
For tips on how to search for jobs and links to vacancy websites, visit the webpage of the WUR Student Career Services. Most of their information and events are also relevant and accessible for PhD candidates. The individual career advice offered by WUR Student Career Services is not meant for PhD candidates, instead WGS organises the career related activities you can find above.
09. Other training
Adobe InDesign - from Dissertation Layout to Poster Design (online training)
This course in InDesign will help you create beautiful but also functional print and web layouts.
Introduction to Git for scientific software development
Do you write scientific software? Or do you write scripts as part of your research (e.g. Python, R, Matlab, Perl)? This course introduces the git protocol, the command-line and GUI clients available and the concepts that make git such a popular versioning tool.
Introduction to WUR Library for PhD candidates (online training)
Introduction to the tools and services of the Library relevant to the first steps of your research
Last Stretch of the PhD Programme
Issues and questions: what must you do first, who is responsible, printing your thesis, booking doctoral defence ceremony dates, do's and don'ts.
Adobe Illustrator – Scientific Artwork & Infographics (online training)
This course will help you create beautiful and functional scientific graphics.
10. Staff training
Trainings are strongly recommended as element of Tenure Track
Professional in Supervision of PhD candidates
The workshop focus is on communication styles, supervising the writing process and giving effective feedback, coaching formats, leadership, cultural issues, distance based supervision and personal needs.
Advanced Supervisor Modules: Supporting PhDs / EngDs in reducing stress and strengthening resilience
This half-day workshop focusses on how you as supervisor can support your PhD/EngD candidates in reducing stress levels and enhance their resilience.
Developing my Research Vision (Postdocs and junior Tenure Track staff)
Having a research vision is crucial, especially for those who want to proceed in science and must demonstrate a clear research vision, an (international) visibility and ambition for a tenure track.
WGS Lunch Workshops for PhD Supervisors
In this workshop for PhD supervisors specific topics and issues with regard the PhD programme and supervision will be discussed. The lunch workshops are organised as a live event including catered lunch on the first Thursday of the even months.
11. Links to training organized by individual Graduate Schools
PE&RC - Production Ecology and Resource Conservation
Training page of PE&RC
VLAG - Biobased, Biomolecular, Food and Nutrition Sciences
Training page of VLAG
WASS - Wageningen School of Social Sciences
Training page of WASS
WIAS - Wageningen Institute of Animal Sciences
Training page of WIAS
WIMEK - Wageningen Institute for Environment and Climate Research
Training page of WIMEK
EPS - Experimental Plant Sciences
Training page of EPS